Monday, December 2, 2013

School Garden

We are in the very early stages of garden planning here at Slingerlands. In order to proceed any further, we need a large group of parent/family volunteers who are interested in helping with the garden. We would need help in planning and building our garden. More importantly, we will need families who are willing to "adopt" the garden for 1 week during the summer.

If your family would be interested in being involved in the garden and can commit to at least 1 week of summer care, please email Mrs. MacMillan at by January 10th.

Crayola Colorcyle

Help Slingerlands Join the Crayola ColorCycle Program!

What is Crayola ColorCycle?
ColorCycle is a sustainability initiative designed to turn used markers into energy!

How does it work?
Used plastic markers are collected by schools and sent to an energy conversion site. At the facility, the markers are collected in a large container, where the plastic is melted. Through a process, the hot liquid turns into a clean-burning liquid fuel. The fuel can be used to heat a home, run a car, or cook food!

Can any markers be sent in?
Yes! Colorcycle accepts ALL BRANDS of markers. This INCLUDES dry erase markers and highlighters!

Our collection begins on November 1st and continues until April 30,2014!
The school that collects the most wins $500!

A collection bin is in the school lobby.

CFK Recycles

Earn Money for our School…
Recycle ink and electronics!

We are again joining with CFK, to recycle the following items:
·     cell phones
·     laser cartridges
·     ink jet cartridges
·     tablets/ereaders/notebooks
·     laptops
·     MP3s
·     PDAs

Our drop box is located in the main office!

Plastic to Metal

Last year, we made the transition from using plastic silverware to metal utensils. Students in 5th grade created posters and visited each classroom to share the good news. During our initial kickoff, we had parent volunteers come in to help "police" as we emptied out our lunches.

We are so glad to have metal silverware that can be REUSED!